What is Mystikos about?

Mystikos started as an online name that eventually turned into a women's clothing store. The idea came from an intense spiritual and emotional experience. In 2022-2023, I was 16-17 years old, going through one rough patch after another. I started skipping class more often and failing my courses. The tipping point came when I got into a fight in 11th grade, and the school decided, "You're out." Honestly, school was never for me in the first place. Being around so many people made me anxious and self-conscious; it just made me feel weird.

In 2021, I started working at a tire shop, and I'm about to hit my fourth year (though that may not be accurate when you're reading this). I initially enjoyed the job, but over time, I moved from one store to another. Of course, every job and location has its issues, but it seemed like every store was the same—frustrating and draining. It started getting to me, and I would often get upset. Sometimes it was justified, but most of the time, it was just me taking things personally and being difficult. I'm a Taurus, and we can get that way sometimes. Every time I let my inner thoughts take over, I showed the worst side of myself.

Eventually, I began abusing drugs—mainly hallucinogens. I wasn’t in the right headspace. I had a bad trip that I would call the worst experience of my 19 years of life. It started with the disgusting feeling of anxiety, and I could feel it in the air. There was a sense that something was coming, and it wasn’t going to be easy or good. And then it came: the energy of pure negativity. It was the embodiment of negativity, so strong and overwhelming that I had to close my eyes when it came near me. My natural response was to close my eyes. Then, reality as I knew it collapsed, and everything disappeared. It looked like one of those edited animations you see on YouTube—exactly like that. After that, I started sensing my consciousness shifting deep in my brain.

Not only could I sense the entity, but I could also see it. It felt like it had all the control, and I was in its universe, playing by its rules. I started hearing voices—lots of them, all around me. At first, they were whispers, but then they grew louder until I couldn’t take it anymore. Strangely, it felt like I was going insane, like a life-or-death rush. It felt like one side of me was fighting the other side for control. When I finally opened my eyes, I could still hear the voices. It scared me even more that I could hear them with my eyes open. I thought to myself, "I’ve just gone insane." I was desperate, and being a Gen Z, I started searching for answers.

My mind was racing through everything—my experiences, the shameful, the bad, the depressing, and the ugly. I started thinking about suicide. I had experienced losing someone that way before, and many times I thought about acting on it. My mindset, however, was "whatever makes this experience end." My mind was playing tug-of-war at that point. It felt like a life-or-death situation for me. I typed "help me" into YouTube, and the suicide hotline popped up. I called them, but I tried to stay quiet so my brother, his wife, and kids could sleep. I wanted to talk to the person on the other end, but I couldn’t. All that came out was crying—funny to think that I sounded like a baby trying not to cry and still communicate at the same time. But I hung up when I couldn’t control myself.

I hit the home button on YouTube, and the first video was a Kevin Hart video about positivity (Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMnSqVJKjnA). The video calmed me down a bit and made me think about other things. I began to think about my family and how they would feel if I were gone. I thought about my baby nephew and niece, my aunts and uncles, my mother and father, brothers, and friends. I started to feel horrible about myself and how much I had let myself go.

The next video I watched was a frequency video (Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Vp9ehPTMUas). After watching it, I started to sense a different, but familiar being, and in a weird way, it was my higher self. It calmed me down, and it was as if I remembered what I was here for and what I was going to achieve in this lifetime. I began recalling memories from past lives and the knowledge I had. I remembered how I was always about to change the shifts of energy, but I would always die right before. I also had memories of the future, many of them. I began to see my vision, my success, and my path of growth. I saw the ripple effects of decisions. I sensed a god-like being above me, and when I looked up, I saw a bright light—pure light, almost as if the sun was burning through the roof. I tried to talk but didn’t. I tried to stand, but I couldn’t. I fell to my knees and bowed. That’s when I knew God was real, and He is an all-loving being that forgives and helps. I felt all the negativity wash away like a river. I was at peace, and I saw others around the light—some living family members calling my name, some I had seen in family photos, and others I had never met. One person stood out the most, and I instantly knew it was my grandpa from my dad's side. He passed away before I was born, so I never got to meet him. But his voice, his face—everything about him—felt more than just family. It was like I was looking at myself in one of my past lives. I get a lot of comments about how I look like my grandpa, and I can see it. I felt his energy, and I knew it was my energy too. We both knew this was the life where I would finally succeed. God gave me the hints for success: 1. Music 2. Entertainment 3. Helping women. He laid out the path for me to follow.

I started to look at it, and I realized that the most positive influence I could have on the world would come from completing the full human experience. I was at peace with that, knowing that my impact and the positive energy I spread in the world would be most effective after my life. I felt happy and at peace, knowing I was destined to win this time.

Ever since that day, I’ve been going after the things I’ve always wanted to do. This is a women’s clothing website, but once my store starts growing, that’s when I’ll switch it to an "all-help women" platform. Stick around, and you’ll see it happen right before your eyes. One way or another, it’s going to succeed, and I’ll be helping a lot of women become their true selves.

A lot of people like to say women are emotional, but I disagree. I would argue that women are more spiritually aligned with themselves than men. They have the power to make huge impacts on the world—they just need a platform and support to help change it. It’s not a one-person job; it’s the whole world’s. If we all operated in a constant crown chakra mode, we would be able to accomplish feats that people think are impossible.

We are our own biggest critics, and some people get so tired of blaming themselves that they want to blame others. I know how that feels. In this day and age, it’s all about good vs. evil. Sometimes it feels like evil is winning, but that’s never true. There’s always balance, and there’s always a way to tip it over. By unity.

I’ve emotionally hurt a lot of women—many of whom truly cared about me. I can never get those moments back to do things differently, but that’s why I’m different now. I want to help, grow with the human race, and do good. I will do good, and what I’m doing will benefit women and break the barrier that social media places between men and women. Together, we will all be unstoppable in our goals and aspirations, lifting people and communities up one by one until there’s no one left to lift. I hope this message clears things up and shows that I’m here to help.

If you’d like to lend a helping hand, please support us. Good karma always comes around when it’s your turn—and your turn is now. Helping me and my team will, in turn, help women more quickly and effectively. Who knows? Maybe you’re reading this after we’ve already achieved everything we set out to do. Or maybe you’re reading this after I’m gone. Either way, I’ve typed out this entire essay, pulled an all-nighter working on my website, and this was one of the last things I was going to do for my page.

Anyway, thank you for reading this. I hope you have a lovely morning, day, evening, or night. Contact me and tell me about you and your story 💗.

  • From Mystikos
    5:25 AM, 3/9/25